Plant Varieties


Articles 189 through 206 of Law 82 of 2002 and Articles 155 through 185 of the Executive Regulations of August 2003 (Cabinet Decree No. 1366).

What does Plant Variety Protection Cover?

Any plant varieties provided they meet the following conditions:

  • The variety must be new, which means that it must not have been previously marketed in Egypt for longer than one year prior to the application date, or more than six years for trees or vines, or four years for other crops.
  • The new plant must be distinct from other available varieties.
  • The plants must be uniform.
  • The trait or traits unique to the new variety must be stable so that the plant remains true to type after repeated cycles of propagation.

In addition, the breeder should propose a variety denomination.

Plant Variety Protection: Frequently Asked Question

Is Egypt a member of UPOV?
